Mr Jeffrey Ho, one of  the past winners of the Ho’s Scholarship in 2014, has very kindly contributed to our 2023 scholarship fund in early Feb 2023! Thank you Jeffrey! We are rather happy to witness some fruits from our scholarship, and learn you’ve been doing well! Bravo!
     Jeffrey has also joined our Scholarship Alumni Network, where past recipients can connect together with us to further benefit future Chinese students in seeking higher education, and the Chinese community.

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Mr. Eugene Mah has kindly contributed funding to both the 2022 Francis Ho (何仲偉) Scholarship and Tung Ho (何桐) Scholarship! Thank you for your continued support in helping and encouraging Chinese students to seek higher education, Mr Mah!

MS. Susanna Ng, from New Town Bakery, has been supporting our Ho’s Association in both the free medical talks and scholarship funds. New Town Bakery has donated their delicious bakeries and Chow Mein etc to attendees to the medical talks, and issued free food coupons for our scholarship fund raisings. 


新城餅家餐室一向都在支持何氏宗親會主辦的免費醫學講座熱情捐助美味的大包,叉燒包,及炒粉炒麵等等.  他們同時也支持何氏宗親會的獎學金計劃, 慷概餐卷作籌款抽獎


Wesley Lai is the 2022 Ho's Association Scholarship recipient, whose transcript showed straight A's in grade 12, while he managed to hold down a parttime job and train for a martial art. 黎俊文同學以優異的學習成績,積極的參與社區事工,和不懈的體能操練,贏得2022年何氏宗親會壹仟元獎學金!

獎學金   Scholarship

本會每年頒發兩份獎學金,何仲偉醫生獎學金和何桐先生獎學金.  每份 $1000. 

We award 2 scholarships every year, namely Dr Francis Ho Scholarship, and Mr Tung Ho Scholarship. $1000 each

2012, Bryan WK Fong & Keana Zoe Li

2013, Aaron Wong & Beverly Ho

2014, Ivan Lan, Jeffrey Ho & Taylor Tam

2015, Brandon Dong & Edwin Jong

2016, Jeremy Zhou & Matthew Tang

2017, Christy Chow & Sara Kirsten Chan

2018, Janice Lan & Maryso Ho

2019, Kurtis James Li

2020, Ivy Gui Hua Liao

2021, Trevor Ho, Janelle Chow & Nicholas Chong

2022,  Wesley Lai 黎俊文同學

2023, Ryan Ho and Katelyn Chun