會訊 Messages

何⽒宗親會 29週年賀新歲宴會

五時半恭候, 六時半入席 ,
幸運酒樓: Continental Seafood Restaurant 
150 – 11700 Cambie Road
Richmond, British Columbia


1. 郵政信箱新地址
截至 2022 年 3 月 26 日, 5639 Victoria St(41st Ave & Victoria St)

2. Pius Ho 捐贈的獎學金,感謝信.

3. 新成員,何東宏夫婦 (Winston & Victoria Ho).

4. 肝臟基金會舉辦的肝功能檢驗計劃(20個週末,4月30日開始)
-Fibroscan 預訂檢驗肝功能.

5. 通過中文電視、廣播電台、其他社區服務建立網絡.

6. 八月宴會
– 設置日期、定價和席位.
– 節目:歌曲、舞蹈、抽獎、門獎、長者會員利市?等等.

Meeting Agenda: 
1.  PO Box location change:  confirmed new address
     5639 Victoria Drive (41st & Victoria) as of March 26th, 2022
     –pricing change

2.  Scholarship Donation from Pius Ho, letter of Appreciation

3.  New Member, Len Ho’s son

4. Liver Foundation’s Liver Beware Project (20 weekends, starting April 30th)
    -press conference
    -Fibroscan booking

5.  Networking through Chinese TV, Radio Station, other Community Services

6.  August Banquet Proposal
     -set date, pricing, and # of tables
     -programs:  songs, dances, raffles, door prizes, lai sees for elders? etc.


在肝臟基金會工作人員核實病人(姓名、患者 ID # 和他們的預約時間)後,在病人預約清單上打勾,表明該病人已到來.
將病人 ID 號貼在 2 張貼紙上:一張貼在同意書上,另一張貼在病人衣服上.讓病人簽署同意書, 引導病人進入病房.
當病人完成篩查時:感謝他們的參與. 病人將收到1份測試結果,肝臟基金會保留一份用於數據輸入(由Peter Kwan博士的研究團隊進行數據分析).
給他們一份 Stroll for Liver 傳單。只要有可能,鼓勵他們參加散步——這是對健康、積極生活方式的回應.
給他們一份 London Drugs 提供的問卷。
在每個放映日結束時,肝臟基金會工作人員和志願者各自清點現金捐贈(如果有)並填寫現金確認表, 將現金捐贈和現金確認表放入信封並密封.



加拿大肝臟基金會主辦: 即時檢測肝纖維化和/或脂肪肝.


2022 年 2月 20 日 會議紀要830pm, Feb 20, 2022 by Zoom

Present: Barbara, Thomas, Kent, Yvonne & Len
Regrets: Vicent KK, Christina, Peter, Ken, Jennie, Katie, Vincent, Kathy, Ringo & Hui. 
1. Scholarship awarding will be at 3pm, Sunday March 20, 2022. Everyone is invited to attend by Zoom.
2. Postal Box relocation has been postponed. The new location we were going to move to had decided to move elsewhere soon. Jennie will find another suitable location to move to.
3. Thomas suggests sending out the Ho’ Scholarship notices to the Chinese Tv’s and radio’s for the free community announcements by early Sept.   
4. Jennie to follow up on Dr. Francis Ho’s commitment of $1000 to the Scholarship. 
5. Next meeting will be at 7pm, Wed Apr 20, 2022, at 新瑞華 restaurant on Main Street.
Meeting adjourned at 910pm.

2022 年 1月 10 日 會議紀要

830pm, Jan 10, 2022 by Zoom

Present: Barbara, Thomas, Yvonne, Christina, Peter, Jennie, Kent, Cindy, Vincent KK, Katie and Len.

Regrets: Ken, Vincent, Kathy, Hui and Chuck.
1. Wesley Lai is the only selected candidate for our scholarship this year. Jennie will set up a Zoom meeting for awarding the scholarship, on a Sunday afternoon in mid-March.
2. Due to the deteriorating state of the pandemic, the Spring Banquet has been cancelled. Yvonne is asked to notify the restaurant.   
3. Finance report by Jennie, all in good balance. 
4. On a light note, the council is optimistic to again set the next meeting at Tai Tung Restaurant on Kingsway, at 6pm on Feb 20, Sunday 2022. 
Meeting adjourned at 910pm.

2021 年 11 月 22 日 會議紀要

830pm, Nov 22, 2021 by Zoom
Present: Barbara, Thomas, Kathy, Len, Yvonne, Cindy, vincent KK, Kent & Jennie.
Regrets: Ken, Vincent, Katie & Hui.

1. Jennie 的季度財務報告,一切都還好。
2. 一 名獎學金申請者。
3. 春宴預定於 2022 年 3 月 20 日(星期日),現在說它是否可以參加還為時過早。幾個娛樂節目的建議,
   a. 新疆新疆舞,約10分鐘。 舞者可能願意買2-3張桌子給我們表演。 Yvonne。
   b. 播放國家志願者獎給何仲偉醫生的視頻。Jennie. 
   c. 展示我們的網站。Len. 
4. 下次會議2022 年 1 月 10 日晚上 7 點, 暫定在 Kingsway 大同餐廳。

晚上 910 點休會。

        《訃                        告》 

        本會宗親何馮佩瓊女士,於2021 年 7 月 5 日,在家人的陪伴下安詳離世。享年九十二歲。何馮佩瓊女士於1929年10月6日,在中國廣東省恩平縣梁溪鎮出生。

        何馮佩瓊女士與宗長何浩常結婚後,育有四子二女。 兒子:煥照 (媳Susan)、 洪照(媳Cate)、 偉照(媳Janice)、維照(歿);  女兒: 小燕(婿Craig)、小貞(婿Glenn);她還有十一個孫和五個曾孫。他們分別居住在澳大利亞、加拿大、香港和美國。

         1965 年,她得到家翁的安排和幫助,帶同子女,從香港移民到加拿大,定居温哥華。與眾子女展開僑居海外生活的新一頁。

         何馮佩瓊女士退休後,她喜歡周遊世界。曾前往亞洲多個國家、澳大利亞、加勒比海、歐洲和北美等地旅遊。她的愛好,是參觀拉斯维加斯的所有賭場,與及前往距離温哥華一天車程内的賭場耍樂。但是,她覺得最重要的,是與家人,尤其是和她的孫輩和曾孫輩 ,往高級的餐廳和酒樓,享受精美點心和晚餐,共聚天倫之樂。

        追悼何馮佩瓊女士一生的惜別會,將於2021 年7 月 30 日(星期五)上午十時,在 450 West 2nd Ave Vancouver, B.C., V5Y 1E2的 Kearney Funeral Services 舉行

。然後開車經過她的住宅。並於中午在本拿比 Forest Lawn Memorial Park 安葬。

        追悼會和安葬儀式,將進行現場直播和錄製,以供日後紀念和觀看。網絡鏈接是 https://www.legacystreaming.com/kearney/


Pui King Fung Ho passed away peacefully on July 5 in Vancouver BC surrounded by family. She was born in Liangxizhen, Enping, China on Oct 6 1929. She was predeceased by her husband Hoo Sheung and son John. Survived by sons Vincent (Susan), Ray (Cate), Wai (Janice); daughters Yin (Craig), Susan (Glenn); eleven grandchildren and five great grandchildren who live in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and U.S.

She emigrated to Canada in 1965 from Hong Kong and settled in Vancouver, where she raised her family.

She enjoyed travelling the world after retirement to Asia, Australia, Caribbean, Europe and North America. Her favorite hobby was visiting all the casinos in Las Vegas and those within a day’s drive from Vancouver. But most of all, she loved sharing dim sum and dinners at nice restaurants around town with family, especially with her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Celebration of life will be held at Kearney Funeral Services in 450 West 2nd Ave Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1E2 at 10 am on Friday July 30, followed by a drive by her house with interment at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Burnaby at noon.

The memorial service and interment will be live streamed and recorded for later viewing. The link is https://www.legacystreaming.com/kearney/

宗親會同仁及親朋已捐出超過$2000! 謝謝大家的慷概解囊!
各位宗親,Jennie 以宗親會名義登記為肝臟基金會籌款,並首先捐出$100. 希望各位大力支持,繼續何仲偉醫生的遺願,共同捐獻達$1000 或更多! 請點激以下指引, 謝謝大家!