創會簡史 In the Beginning

創會簡史  In the beginning        何啟燊                 Simon Ho

一〕由籌組至成立           (1) From formation to establishment

         20世紀 80 年代,由於移民加拿大的華人不斷增多,尤其是BC省的地理環境和氣候十分怡人,故很多華裔移民,都選擇居住在BC省的溫哥華。
In the 1980s, due to the increasing number of Chinese immigrating to Canada, especially the geographical environment and climate of BC, many Chinese immigrants chose to live in Vancouver, BC.

         由於當時移民BC省溫哥華的何氏宗親大量湧至。 宗親們異國相逢,培感親切。 彼此之間, 心目中都不期然有一個共同的盼望和心願,就是成立一個同根同源,血脈相連的何氏大家庭加拿大BC省何氏宗親會。
Because of the influx of Ho family members who immigrated to Vancouver, BC at that time, many Ho’s relatives and friends met together from different counties and cultivated a cordial feeling with one another. Among the Ho’s groups, there is a feeling of expectation, a common hope and aspiration in mind, that is, to establish a Ho family with the same roots and blood, the Ho’s Association of BC in Canada.

The Ho’s Association of BC in Canada was able to organize successfully under the founding leader of Mr. Tung Ho, who made great contributions. From the beginning of 1993, Mr. Tung Ho, as the initiator, began to organize the establishment of the Ho’s Association. The committee members were selected, the meeting was convened, and everything was done personally and actively. With his enthusiasm and after about a year of planning, more than ten preparatory meetings have been held. The committee finally elected Dr. Francis Ho as the first president.
Mr. Tung Ho, Mr. Henry Ho and Amy Ho were the vice presidents.

何文威醫學博士當英文書記,思撝當中文書記,朝植當財政兼副中文書記。啟燊負責宣傳,何贊負責總務,沛堂負責宣傳兼監察,柱林負責社團聯絡,長賢醫學博士當理監事. 何文聰、樹德、錦光擔任顧問。 以上十五位宗長,屬於加拿大BC省何氏宗親會的創會註册委員。

Dr. Thomas M.W. Ho was the English secretary, See Fai Ho was the Chinese secretary, and Jack Ho was the finance and deputy Chinese secretary.  Mr. Simon Ho was responsible for publicity, Chan Ho was responsible for general affairs, Joseph Ho was responsible for publicity and supervision, Shui Lam Ho was responsible for community liaison, and Dr. Vincent C. Ho, was the Board supervisor.  Man Chung Ho, Shu Tak Ho and Kam Kwong Ho served as consultants. These fifteen patriarchs above belonged to the founding registration members of the Ho’s Benevolence Association of BC in Canada.

    19942月。本會在政府社團註册署正式註册成立,並決於3月中假座列治文新華都海鮮大酒樓,舉辦慶祝加拿大BC省何氏宗親會成立晚會,筵開五十席。 為了選賢任能,繼續邀請十位宗長加入本會的委員會行列:何王麗雯負責副財政,健忠、美薇負責文娛,冰瑩負責公關,柏暖負責奬學金評審,洽昂、元照負責總務,展虹當理監事。光偉、兆熙負責策劃和發展。
In February 1994, The Ho’s Association was officially registered and established in the Government Societies Registration Office, and decided to hold a party of 50 tables at the New Continental Seafood Restaurant in Richmond in mid-March to celebrate the establishment of the Ho’s Benevolence Association of BC in Canada.  In order to select more talented members, we continued to invite ten more patriarchs to join the committee:  Linda Ho was in charge of deputy finance, Ken Ho and Mimi Ho were in charge of entertainment, Katie Ho was in charge of public relations, Don Ho was in charge of scholarship review, and Davie Ho and Yen Chow Hoo were in charge of general affairs.  Betty C.H. Ho was a Board supervisor. Howard Ho and Francis S.H. Ho were responsible for planning and development.


首任會長何仲偉 Francis

副會長兼監察何桐 Tung

副會長兼奬學金評審何裕堯 Henry

副會長兼公關何嘉麗 Amy


中文書記何思撝 See Fai

英文書記何文威 Thomas

財政、副中文書記何朝植 Jack
副財政何王麗雯 Linda
策劃、發展何光偉 Howard
策劃、發展何兆熙 Francis
公關何冰瑩 Katie
宣傳何啟燊 Simon
宣傳兼監察何沛堂 Joseph
文娛何健忠 Ken
文娛何美薇 Mimi
總務何洽昂 Davie
總務何贊 Chan
總務何元照 Yen
社團聯絡何柱林 Shui
奬學金評審何柏暖 Don
理監事何展虹 Betty