加拿大溫哥華 何氏宗親會

Ho’s Benevolence Association of BC

歡迎    Welcome


(一)本會成立於公元一九九四年二月。是一個註册為不牟利組織的社團, 也是一個不涉及政治、宗教的團體。  


      〔甲〕聯繫加拿大BC省的何氏宗親,在僑居之地,建立一個同根同源, 血脈相承的宗族大家庭。 讓宗親們有彼此認識和聯誼的機會。













Ho’s Benevolence Association of Bristish Columbia

1. Established in February 1994, it is a registered non-profit association.

2. The purposes of this association:

  A. Connect the Ho’s clan in Bristish Columbia, to get to know each other, and to socialize.

  B. Hold a few social activities every year, so members can be associated closer. 

3. Currently in plan:

  A. Membership social activities:

      Annual Spring Banquet for the Chinese New Year’s celebration.

    ②  Summer picnic.

     Free Medical Talks.

     One or two-day tour of local BC resorts (non-regular activity).

  B. Public charity:

 Every year, two scholarships, $1000 each, will be awarded to 2 Chinese current high school graduates, who excel both academically & ethically,  and who have gained entries to universities.  This is not restricted to the Ho’s.  

  C. Social services: (non-regular activities)

       In recent years, we have participated in the BC Liver Foundation fundraising events.

       In recent years, we have participated in the free hepatitis B tests in Greater Vancouver area for the BC Liver Foundation, where thousands  of Asians have been tested.